This seminar is available to participants who have previously taken a QualPro MVT® seminar or a QualPro Advanced DOE seminar. The material provides attendees with a concise review of basic and advanced experimental design topics before shifting toward more complex DOE concepts.

In this seminar, you will learn how to:

  • Include factors with two or more levels in a two-level design.
  • Maximize the efficiency of confounding patterns in screening designs.
  • Test for the presence of special causes.
  • Analyze the results of an experiment that only has partial replication.
  • Appropriately use definitive screening designs.
This seminar will also cover nuisance factors and mixture designs. With our guidance, participants will also learn how to use simultaneous designs, which can provide a higher level of statistical validity
  • Advanced DOE for Lean Six Sigma Professionals

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without increasing the time required to execute the experiment.

Attendees will leave this seminar with the tools necessary to manage even the most complex experimental design issues. Upon completing this seminar, attendees will receive QualPro’s DOE Expert certification. The Expert-Level DOE Techniques seminar is part of QualPro's DOE Master Certification Program. For more information, please view our certification catalog here, or read more in the DOE Master Certification tab to your left.

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QualPro's Expert Instructors

QualPro’s senior instructors have worked with QualPro since the mid 1980s and were personally acquainted with Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

QualPro’s instructors are experienced consultants, averaging over twenty years of actual field experience in helping companies design and execute experiments. Their collective consulting experience spans a wide variety of industries including: apparel and consumer packaged goods retailers; convenience stores; chemical, paper, and automotive manufacturers; academic institutions; nonprofits; and healthcare organizations.

Instructor Highlights

QualPro’s instructors have delivered billions in bottom-line impact for Fortune 500, Chemical 300, and Neilson Top 100 Convenience Store clients.

QualPro’s instructors know your processes. Our instructors average over twenty-five years of industry experience before joining QualPro. Their backgrounds include previous employment experience in corporate quality management, manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, research and development, and marketing and global supply chain management.

QualPro’s instructors come from collegiate backgrounds in economics, mathematics, statistics, and engineering. Several also hold Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification.

QualPro’s instructors understand the practical applications of the concepts they teach, and they clearly communicate these concepts to all levels of understanding. QualPro’s instructors maintain an average seminar-participant satisfaction rating of 9.2/10.

Many publications have featured QualPro’s instructors, including Forbes, Fortune, the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, the New York Times, Industry Week, Convenience Store News, American Medical News, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the Chronicle of Philanthropy.


The Expert-Level DOE Techniques: Special Topics seminar is part of QualPro's new Design of Experiments (DOE) Master Certification program. To receive DOE Master Certification, candidates must accomplish the following:

  • Enroll in QualPro’s DOE Master certification program
  • Complete the required QualPro seminars, which include: Advanced DOE for Lean Six Sigma Professionals, Regression for Process Improvement, and Expert-Level DOE Techniques: Special Topics
  • Pass a written exam following the completion of each seminar
  • Successfully execute a designed experiment at their business

For those seeking DOE Master Certification, QualPro will provide continued guidance and technical advice to assist candidates in executing one or more designed experiments within their business. To receive DOE Master Certification, applicants must design and execute experiments that substantially improve one or more key performance indicators (KPI) within their business.

  • DOE Master Certification Program

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