Client | Presentation Title | Accomplishments |
76 Products | $3 Million a Year Difference | $3 million increase in crude oil throughput without taking the time and great expense to add pump stations. |
American Express | Outbound Telemarketing | Conversion increased 300% while several costly activities in the current process were eliminated. Profit impact was $11.7 million per year. |
American Express | Transforming "Likely Attritors" into Loyal Cardmembers | Call center experiment leads to an 18% decrease in customer attrition worth over $1 million in fee revenue annually. |
American Media | Improve Retail Sales | Changes in magazine placement in aisles, a large cover size, and a different display increased sales over 10% or $21 million in revenues. |
American Media | Subscription Renewals | Direct mail MVT achieved a 50% increase in renewals and a large drop in mailing costs. Keeping clients was much cheaper than winning new ones. |
American Osteopathic Association | Using the MVT Process to Grow Membership in an Individual Professional Assoc. | The MVT projects produced a 33% increase in renewals and identified actions that enhanced recruitment efforts and reduced recruitment costs. |
AT&T | Installation/Repair Timeliness Dramatically Improved and Sustained for Five Years | A backlog of 100,000 in consumer repair and installation orders was reduced to historically low levels in an astoundingly short period of time. Five years later, an ongoing focus on implementing the MVT findings across 30,000 employees has driven the backlog even further down and sustained it at less than 15% or the original level. |
AutoNation | A "Standard" System for Newspaper Ad Design Increases Sales and Reduces Costs | Implementing the right newspaper ads has substantially increased sales while lowering the average ad cost. |
AutoNation | Featured Speech | MVT efforts range from increasing effectiveness of newspaper advertising (an annual investment of over $100 million) to improving the effectiveness of their internet advertising to determining the best mix of broadcast, print, and internet advertising expenditures. |
AutoUSA | Customer Growth Increased 8% While Increasing Profit $3.4 Million Per Year | They enhanced the effectiveness of their selling activities and reversed a recent slide in customer count. The result was an 8% improvement in customer growth rate and a positive profit impact of $3.4 million per year. |
BASF | By-Products Reduced 20% While Increasing Yield 1.5% | Moving a process operation from "near" optimum to "at" optimum results in savings of $150,000 per year (reducing by-product by 20% and increasing yield by 1.5%). |
BASF | Chemical Process Yields Increased | 10% decrease in the amount of heavies formed, 20% increase in the conversion of heavies to product, savings in raw material alone close to $500,000. |
BASF | Featured Speaker | MVT efforts have yielded tens of millions of dollars in accumulated benefits. |
BASF | Optimizing Chemical Process Saves $2.5 Million per Year | Reaction yield was optimized, resulting in a savings of $2.5 million per year along with longer run-times between tower washes for an additional cost savings. |
BASF | Reduced Wastewater Treatment Costs | The DNT wastewater treatment was reduced and the chemical cost per pound of product was lowered as well. Improved operations' understanding of the plant and lowered costs by stopping the over-controlling of certain operating parameters. |
BASF - Freeport | Cost Savings and Capital Avoidance in Chemical Process | Increased production and improved yields result in manufacturing savings of over $600,000 while avoiding potential $750,000 capital expense. |
BASF - Huntington, WV | Alkali Blue Color Reduced Rejects | Reject rate reduced from 15% to 7% with screening findings and further reduced to 4% with refining experiments. |
BASF Plant Science | Subtle Changes Provide Dramatic Improvements in High-Tech Biotech Research | By using the MVT Process, BASF increased total usable roots by over 100%, and the average usable roots rose to more than 110% above their minimum specification. This example is a fascinating application of the MVT Process to improve a high-tech biological process, and demonstrates how subtle process changes can result in dramatic improvements in performance. |
BellSouth | BBI | Company reduced every time measurement by 60% and reduced post office rejects by 50%. Bills went out quicker, customers paid quicker, resulting in savings of $1 million per year. |
BellSouth | Phone Center Sales Yields $47 Million | Revenue per hour was increased 33%, contributing $47 million per year to the company's bottom line. Testing was done at the best performing center in the company to demonstrate the potential of MVT to gain improvement for even the best performers. |
BellSouth | Reducing Circuit Outages | Repair time for circuit type A was reduced 20%, circuit type B was reduced 60%, and circuit type C was reduced 50%, thus protecting a $4 billion business. |
BellSouth | Reducing Repeat Reports | Repeat trouble reports were reduced by 42%, while unexpectedly reducing the time per task by 10%. The total savings amounted to $1.3 million per year. |
BellSouth | The Labyrinth of Customer Service | Service reps had over 800 suggestions. MVT identified those which helped reduce repeat calls by 50%. |
Big Lots | Featured Speech | How MVT helped in the development of marketing strategy. Giving the company a 14:1 gross margin return on investment. |
BJC HealthCare | Using the MVT Process to Decrease Severe Hypoglycemia Events by 37% across Four Hospitals | BJC realized a 37% reduction in severe hypoglycemic events in 16 units across four hospitals. |
Blount Memorial Hospital | Achieving Emergency Department Efficiency Using MVT | In just four months, identified ways to decrease door-to-doctor time by 39.3% and total turnaround time by 17.2%. |
Blount Memorial Hospital | Challenges and Successes using MVT to Improve Case Volume and Physician Office Satisfaction with Block Scheduling | A major block schedule renovation was undertaken to improve case volume and physician office satisfaction. Predicted improvement: case minutes by 20%, case volume by 21%, revenue by 40%. |
Blount Memorial Hospital | Improving Operating Room Efficiency Using MVT | Five actions were identified to reduce non-productive time by over 26.2% and turnover time by over 42.7%, creating capacity for $4.85 million in additional cases per year. |
Boise | Finding the Best Sales Force Incentive Program Increases Sales 20% | Understanding key drivers maximizes incentive program return with sales rep performance increasing by 20%. |
Boise Cascade | Featured Speaker | Increased production, decreased costs, and improved product quality valued at tens of millions of dollars. |
Boise Cascade | Wood Chips | With almost no additional cost, one small change improved chip quality 80%, which saved over $180,000 per year. |
Boise Cascade, International Falls | Neighborhood Watch - Do You Know Where Your CE Is? | Increased pulp production results in an annualized savings of $1.6 million. |
Boise Cascade, International Falls | Paper Mill Fiber Losses Down 60% | Fiber losses down 60%, valued at $997,920 per year. |
Boise Cascade, Jackson | J-3 Surface Size | After four years of continuous process improvement success at this site, still achieved $1.3 million per year in savings. |
Boise Cascade, Jackson | Optimizing for World Class Performance | Cost-benefit analysis on the J3 Paper Machine for a cost avoidance of $2 million. |
Boise Cascade, Jackson | Pulp Mill Optimization | Reduced chemical usage in the bleaching process by 15%. |
Boise Cascade, Jackson | Recycle Improvement | Production increased 110% while decreasing costs and improving quality. Achieved savings by avoiding equipment modifications and reduced raw material and energy costs. Bottom line showed a $4 million per year benefit. |
Boise Cascade, Jackson | Recycle Plant | By focusing on factors influencing yield and furnish cost, the off-quality rate was reduced and saved the plant over $1.8 million. |
Boise Cascade, Jackson | Reduction in Cost of Recycled Fiber | Reduced the cost-per-ton of recycled fiber for over $5 million in total savings. |
Boise Office Solutions | Call Center Sales Increase by 50% | Call centers increase paper sales to mid-size customers by 50%. |
Boise Paper | Change Times Reduced 19% and Energy Costs Lowered | Reduced change times by 19% and substantially lowered energy costs, worth more than a quarter of a million dollars. |
Boise Paper | Paper Mill Generates Economic and Quality Benefits | St. Helens has generated economic benefits for the company and quality benefits for the customer. |
Boise, Wallula | All Tied Up | Over 1,500 tons per year of waste was eliminated by solving a 20-year old problem. |
BP | Featured Speech | Scott will describe the benefits he has seen from establishing an environment for rapid experimentation with many ideas. Using a near-nonstop regime of MVT testing to improve the competitiveness of the operation to the point that it was outperforming Chinese products on quality and price in China. |
Bridgestone/ Firestone Retail and Commercial Operations (BFRC) | Challenging a Well-Accepted Advertising Model in a Radically Changing World | MVT demonstrated a potential to reduce FSI dependence and reallocate to other media with a potential to increase sales and margin dollars by many millions. Counter-intuitive findings in the MVT results were discovered. These findings had a 3% positive effect on a $3-1/2 billion operation. |
Bridgestone/ Firestone Retail and Commercial Operations (BFRC) | Featured Speech | By testing store and advertising strategies and tactics, identified actions that can provide tens of millions of dollars in financial benefits and better satisfied customers. |
Bridgestone/ Firestone Retail and Commercial Operations (BFRC) | Increasing Retail Sales and Profits by Tens of Millions of Dollars | Used MVT to test ideas that include direct mail, associate activities, in-store sales and service processes, labor allocation, pricing, displays, signage, store layout, verbal and written customer communications, and product assortment. They have identified a specific set of actions that increases sales and profits by tens of millions of dollars. |
Capstone Turbine | Featured Speaker | MVT helping to continuously improve reliability and efficiency in power generation equipment. MVT being used in product development and improved customer satisfaction. |
Capstone Turbine | Introducing MVT Into a Start Up Culture | Production and reliability issues were resolved resulting in increased production and improved customer satisfaction. |
Capstone Turbine | Manufacturing Streamlined While Failure Rate Reduced to Zero | Failure rate of a shaft was reduced to zero, while eliminating an entire production operation. |
Capstone Turbine | Record Levels of Yield and Output Rates | A dozen MVT experiments drove total plant yield and output rates to unprecedented levels. |
Capstone Turbine | Setting the Environment in a High Tech World | Product introduction time is being reduced from ten years to two months while revenues are increased 7X. |
Carson-Newman College | The MVT Process Defines New Product Offering | Carson-Newman College used the MVT Process to determine which of four proposed locations, eight program attributes, and 14 different degree program offerings would generate the highest interest level. |
Cendant Corporation | Call Center Nets Highest Net Present Value | Travel service enhanced with continuously improved service and brought more value to members. |
Champion International | Machine K Number | Testing determined high variability in the K-Number procedure itself. A new K-Number procedure was developed. Variability was reduced from 194% to 15% total, which permitted the plant to improve capability. |
Champion International | Oxygen Delignification | Testing indicated that much of the problem was due to variability of the measurement system itself. Once that was corrected, several significant process factor changes yielded an improvement of $870,000 for each percent improved. |
Cingular | Retail Outlets Increase Cellular Sales | Actions were identified which are expected to substantially increase retail sales. |
Circuit City | Featured Speaker | Identified individual actions that have led to greater sales force productivity and increased store sales. |
Citibank | Inbound Call Center Sales Increased 20% | 20% increase in sales has the potential to deliver millions of dollars to the bottom line. An unexpected bonus was that employee satisfaction also improved. |
Citigroup | Direct Mail Channel Optimization Efforts Increase Response Rate by 110% | Realized an astonishing 110% increase in response rates in comparison to the control group, along with an approximately 8% increase in balances and significantly increased revenue. |
Deluxe BECU | Implementation of an Outbound Call Center MVT to Sell More Bank Products | After an entire year of implementation this call center operation has continued to more than double the percent of calls connected, percent of calls completed, and sales leads generated for its customer. |
Deluxe BECU | Lead Generation Tripled in Outbound Call Center | Portion of customers reached doubled from 30% to more than 60% - even more impressive, the rate of lead generation tripled! |
Deluxe Corporation | Business NAK | A new business kit increased dollars per order by 28% with a predicted value of $8 million. |
Deluxe Corporation | Client Partnership Yields 25% Accuracy Increase | Improving bank customer check printing accuracy saves Deluxe $106,928 per year and one of their banking clients $241,856. |
Deluxe Corporation | Customers Retained and Costs Reduced Through Service Processes | Retention rates of "at risk" customers raised from 90% to 96% increasing retention revenue by $2.1 million to date. Customer use of voice response unit increased 15%, saving $500,000. Manual intervention in automated order entry system cut 75%, saving $750,000 per year. |
Deluxe Corporation | FI Employee Credits | Testing indicated that zero credits was possible. Credits being issued immediately after the test were down 40% from previous levels and dropping steadily with an ultimate potential savings of $1.5 million per year. |
Deluxe Corporation | Improved Call Center Sales Worth a Million | Establishing a selling environment with the right mix of elements impacts the bottom line. |
Deluxe Corporation | More Clients Sign Contracts Without Account Manager Involved | Improved contract-signing rate while minimizing labor costs (number of contracts needing account manager intervention improved by 15%). |
Deluxe Corporation | Plant Throughput | Cost per production unit was reduced $0.23 per unit with an estimated worth of $19 million. |
Deluxe Corporation | Reduce Rework, Improve Customer Satisfaction | Client data setup errors reduced 33% for an annualized savings of $512,000 in internal costs and improved customer satisfaction. |
Deluxe Corporation | Reducing Waste | Reduced waste by 90%, saving $9.8 million per year. |
Deluxe Corporation | Revenue per Order Increased 22% in Just Six Weeks | Increased revenue per order by 22% and annualized revenue gain of $457,000. |
Deluxe Corporation | Selling/Marketing Mix Improved During Testing of New Product Viability | Identified actions to increase sign-up for a new product while revealing tactics that would be a non-productive investment. |
Deluxe Corporation | Software Errors Reduced in Half | Reduced by half the number of defects introduced in a newly developed software release. |
Deluxe Corporation | Ten Years of Performance Improvement | MVT accomplishments have covered the entire business including improvements in order taking, order entry, automated systems, software design and delivery, check errors, customer care, field sales, call centers, new product design/pricing, advertising materials, and marketing strategies. |
Deluxe Financial Services | Continuing Expansion of Checks in the Age of Electronic Banking | Check reorder revenue raised 20%, all in a declining industry. |
Deluxe Financial Services | Designing and Pre-market Testing a New Consumer Card | During launch of a new stored value card product, combined testing of potential product variations with the use of a consumer survey, this powerful combination resulted in strong early market performance and led to a considerable expansion in the following year. |
Deluxe NEBS | Generating Incremental Call Center Sales | Using MVT call center staff were able to identify simple and effective actions to generate more sales. Creating a potential 12% increase in average order value, eliminating effort and spending on non-valuable activities while establishing a solid process for call center reps to succeed. |
Deluxe Small Business Services | Musical MVT Implementation to Increase Inbound Call Center Sales by 20% | Two inbound call centers conducted an MVT to increase sales and are using an innovative implementation approach to raise annual revenue per customer by up to 20.6%. |
Directo | Customer Churn Reduced 20% | With a churn rate that resulted in turnover of one-in-ten of its valuable customers, Directo launched an MVT to better retain its customers. After implementation of MVT findings customer churn was reduced by 20%. |
Du Pont, Cape Fear | Run Time Improvement | Run time was improved by 30% with no cost increase or capital expenditure. Capacity was increased by 40 million pounds. |
DuPont | Apply MVT - It Just Makes the Process Run Better | Consistent application of MVT in the process creates more and more savings, well over $1 million per year of recurring improvement. |
DuPont | Featured Speech | MVT efforts led to greatly simplified processes, reductions in cycle time, lower costs, improved yields, dramatically higher quality, and increases in capacity. |
DuPont | Intricate Process Tackled by MVT Methods | After more than 30 years of frustrating experience, MVT identified improvements which increased capacity 5%. |
DuPont | Maintenance as a Process | Pump failures were reduced by a factor of 5, which reduced maintenance cost $450,000 annually. |
DuPont | Seaford Rug Product Process | First Pass Pounds and First Pass Yield increased 2.8%, which was worth $1.43 million. |
DuPont Ag Products, Manati | Decreasing the Amount of Variation in Bulk Density | Variation was reduced by one-half, enabling savings of over $1 million and decreasing cycle time by 10 days for the product. |
DuPont Engineering Polymers | Featured Speaker | Problems that have been around 20 to 30 years solved in three to six months. |
DuPont, Cape Fear | Along the Customer-Supplier Chain | A 40% reduction was achieved in customer problems, a 30% reduction in product defects, and $600,000 of increased annual revenue. |
DuPont, Chambers Works | Silane | $586,000 of direct product improvement, $250,000 waste reduction, and $2 million in downstream savings. |
DuPont, Chattanooga | T31 Spinning | Over 20% improvement was achieved on the spinning process yield. Wound was increased over 18%. |
DuPont, DeLisle | A Problem that Wouldn't Stay Solved | $5 million per year savings by virtually eliminating a constant problem. |
DuPont, FluoroPolymer Solutions | Featured Speech | Using MVT to maximize quality production of Tedlar to support the rapidly growing demand for solar energy. They were at about 3,000 defects, after the refnining MVT they had a 99% reduction. Also, avoided a capital investment of five to ten million dollars. |
DuPont, LaPorte | Incinerator Capacity | Reduced measurement variation from 75% to less than 1%, tripled capacity, increased feed rate, and reduced cycle time resulting in an immediate savings of over $1 million per year without additional costs. |
DuPont, LaPorte | Incredible Savings Using DOE with an Unstable Process | A "Hail Mary" design of experiments improves first grade material yield from 45% to 92%, saving over $1 million per year in product downgrading and unneeded blending. |
DuPont, LaPorte | Lannate | Purchases of replacement product were reduced $9.1 million and additional sales with increased production were $1.7 million. Total value $10.8 million. |
DuPont, LaPorte | Shutdown by EPA Averted | Averted a regulatory shutdown and saved the business unit $300,000 per day in product replacement costs and a potential $5 million business loss. |
DuPont, LaPorte | Waste Water Contaminant Reduced | Decreased contaminant 98.8%, avoiding investment for a new waste treatment facility and without increasing other costs. Savings of $450,000 per year and no problem with future EPA compliance. |
DuPont, Martinsville | Creel Waste | Stringout time was reduced 22% leading to a 2% increase in yield and a 59% reduction in creel waste worth over $770,000. |
DuPont, Martinsville | Transfer Tail Rejects | Reject rate was reduced 43.3% on one machine and 32.8% on another to collectively increase yield 1.02%. |
DuPont, Martinsville | Type 29 Yarn | A 15.4% increase in interlace with a 59.5% reduction in interface variance was achieved. This was worth $500,000 per year in reduced claims plus $100,000 saving in compressed air cost. |
DuPont, Mobile | Catalyst Recovery | The process was fine-tuned to a point in which no further purchases were required. An additional $150,000 of catalyst was recovered. |
DuPont, Mobile | Improve Quality in Product Expansion | A significant quality problem was eliminated within two months without increasing cost. Significant money was saved in rework cost and shipping delays. |
DuPont, Parkersburg | Delrin Polymerizer Run Life | Run life of the polymerizers was increased 93%, saving $8 million per year in labor and increasing production $18 million per year. |
DuPont, Parkersburg | Increased the Production of HFP to Avoid a $7 Million Capital Expenditure | Five factors were identified as significant and carried into refining. The capital expenditure was not necessary. |
DuPont, Parkersburg | Reducing Catalyst Consumption | Implemented a no-cost action which reduced the amount of catalyst consumed by 20%, reduced the variation in consumption by 50%, and saved more than $750,000 per year. |
DuPont, Parkersburg | Teflon FEP | Increased production rate by 38% which improved earnings $5 million per year at one site alone. |
DuPont, VESPEL | Parts and Shapes | Product yield improved from 80% to over 99% earning DuPont's Engineering Excellence Award. |
DuPont, Victoria | $15 Million Improvement in a 25-Year Old Process | Over $15 million per year in improved yields and efficiencies in a 25-year old process. MVT upset conventional wisdom about several operating procedures that resulted in an immediate $4 million per year savings. |
Dyno Nobel | When You Are Last, You Have to Work at Being the Best | Four factors in a decades old process were identified as creating great variance. Correction of these factors greatly reduced process variation. |
EFS - Money Stores | Breakthrough Improvement in Financial Services | During the MVT the company experienced its highest loan growth in their 28-year history. This was accomplished through the use of store operations, marketing, direct mail, radio, and TV test factors similar to those utilized in much larger businesses. |
Election - Bill Dunn | Election Won with Over 70% of the Vote by Using the MVT Process | Using the MVT Process to quickly test a variety of messages and tactics, Representative Dunn was able to identify key actions that were proven to sway the voters in his district. Representative Dunn won over 70% of the vote on election day. |
Election - John Ragan | State Representative Candidate Takes on Four-Term Incumbent and Wins | By trusting the MVT Process, John increased his support by 22 percentage points and won the race with 54% of the vote! |
Elo TouchSystems | Increased Yield | Yield was increased from 65% to over 90% in just a few months, improving profits by about $8 million per year. |
Equipment Controls | Field Sales Margins | An improvement of $800,000 per year went to the bottom line. |
Evans Clay | Increased Throughput | 10% increase in throughput was worth over $1 million per year additional revenue, with no extra capital expenditure. Was awarded 1996 RIT/USA Today Quality Cup. |
Exide Technologies | Hundreds of MVT Successes . . . But Will It Work In Your Business? | Used MVT process for over 20 years, in many different companies on three continents - has produced tens of millions of dollars worth of breakthrough results in all settings. |
Exide Technologies | Twenty Years of MVT Experience in Industry | Explained how the MVT process has produced tens of millions of dollars worth of breakthrough results in all settings. |
Foster Care Coalition, Greater St. Louis | Increased Inquiries into Adoption and the Number of Licensed Homes | Inquiries increased 138% through weekly newspaper articles and increased communications to service organizations. |
GAF | Product Quality Raised While Costs Reduced | Reducing coating variation and improved color consistency, sheet construction, and granual adhesion, helping the plant realize an annual savings of $90K due to increased raw material loading. |
GAF | Recycle Yield Increased 37% | Increased yield of recycled scrap for roofing materials by 37%, a cost reduction of over $110,000. |
GAF | Reducing Glass Fiber Breaks | A roofing shingles MVT produced a 15% reduction in the number of breaks per hour, improved process knowledge, increased troubleshooting tools, and gained experimental aggressiveness. |
GAF | Special Executive Topic: Using MVT to Achieve Manufacturing Objectives Across Many Plants | Over the past 10 years MVT has been used in over 30 production and research facilities. This effort has not only lowered operating costs by hundreds of thousands of dollars per year, it has also positioned GAF as the industry's quality leader. |
GTE | Billing Inquiry | Reduced late payment accounts 14% to 22%, dropped unpaid balances 4% to 8%, reduced uncollectibles 12%, and reduced billing inquiries 8.8%. |
GTE | Fortell II | New equipment reduced trouble call dispatches by 10% while no-cost methods changes reduced them by another 34%. Total reduction in dispatches was 44%, worth over $100 million. |
GTE | Teaching Customers to Love Us, Not Leave Us | Process changes were discovered to increase the percentage of business customers rating its service as excellent by more than 7%. |
Hexacomb | Eating the Whole Elephant - Company-wide MVT Improves Manufacturing Performance | Improvements were achieved in all key measures - waste, setup time, and throughput, making this the best performing division as recognized by the financial community and investors. |
Hexacomb | Results Need Not Wait - Using MVT with a Full Spectrum of PI Tools | For 17 machines in eight plants in two countries - control charts are moving in the right direction and improvement in financial performance continues to pick up speed. |
International Paper | Optimize Business Performance, Gain Millions in Bottom-line Results | Targeted projects in paper industry lead to dramatic increases in employee involvement and tens of millions of dollars in improved bottom-line results. |
International Specialty Products | Capacity Increase 13% - $1 Million Additional Profit | Increasing production by 13% for more than $1 million in improved gross profit. |
International Specialty Products | Reducing Variation Doubles Quality Improvement | An experiment was run on a key ingredient in a hair care product. The experiment reduced variation, lowered cycle time from 38 to 30 hours, and protected $8 million in sales. |
International Specialty Products, Calvert City | Cycle Time Reductions and Capacity Increases in a Chemical Process | Chemical product cycle time was reduced 25% resulting in a sales increase of more than $1 million. |
International Specialty Products, Calvert City | Improving the Ability to Control Viscosity | The improvements in viscosity control were worth $900,000. |
International Specialty Products, Calvert City | Production Up and Costs Down on High-Value Chemical Process | Reduced distillation product losses, raised reaction and distillation capacity, increased unit reliability and other planned cost savings add $1.5 million to bottom line. |
International Specialty Products, Calvert City | Reduce the Amount of "Out-of-Viscosity" Specification Material Produced | The measurement system required significant improvement before the MVT. In spec production improved from 80% to 95%, which was worth $4.5 million. |
Kieffer Paper | Improve Capability and Reduce Variability | Made significant increases in plant capability and substantial reduction in operating costs. |
Knoxville Utilities Board | Avoiding Injuries and Damages | Reduced damages and injuries during construction to produce safer working conditions, uninterrupted service, and happier customers. |
Knoxville Utilities Board | Billing Accuracy | Meter reading exceptions were reduced 26.17% and pre-billing exceptions by 30.3%. |
Knoxville Utilities Board | Call Abandon Rate | The monthly call abandon rate was reduced 3.93%. |
Knoxville Utilities Board | Installation Time | The average lead time for installing gas service was reduced by 75%, while missing no due dates. |
LaRoche Chemicals | Teamwork Yields Big Benefits | Developing a team environment, reaching a common understanding of key measures, and resolution of a process conflict increased yield from 68% to 90% generating a significant bottom line impact. |
LifeMasters Supported Self Care, Inc. | Featured Speech | Identified actions to make enhancements in interactions with current and prospective program participants. Improved the effectiveness of its enrollment and engagement efforts with direct mail, telephone communications and face-to-face interactions. |
LifeMasters Supported Self Care, Inc. | Improving Program Participation at Record Speed | Client's member participation in the disease management program soared by 31% in just four months, improving healthcare outcomes and lowering costs. |
LifeMasters Supported Self Care, Inc. | Increasing Participation in a Disease Management Program . . . and Sustaining Results in Year One | An MVT to increase participation in a Disease Management Program to improve healthcare and clinical outcomes and lower health care costs showed a 32% net improvement in participation. |
LifeMasters Supported Self Care, Inc. | Increasing Participation in the LifeMasters Disease Management Program | As a result of MVT engagement rates are expected to increase which will contribute to improving overall program success. MVT has resulted in early success in engaging populations previously deemed difficult to engage. |
Lifetouch National School Studios Inc. | Featured Speech | Used MVT to increase service levels, introduce new/alternative products, set pricing, improve marketing and advertising effectiveness, and reduce costs by lifting productivity and efficiency. |
Lifetouch National School Studios Inc. | Photographer Attraction & Recruitment | Doubled the photographer hiring rate while reducing costs and maintaining personnel quality. $9 million in opportunity costs were saved by preventing managers from having to divert time from other duties. The larger strategic benefit was having professional, well-trained photographers maintaining the highest standards of school photography. |
Lifetouch National School Studios Inc. | Unprecedented Double Digit Increases in Portrait Sales | Identified actions that could provide unprecedented double digit sales increases. They focused on factors that not only increased sales but also identified efficiencies to be gained. |
Lincoln Memorial University | Breakthrough in University Fund Raising Increased Cash Gifts by 83% | In just four months, LMU executed MVT experiments with mass communications and donor visits that increased cash gift dollars from Alumni & Friends by 83% over the previous year. |
Lincoln Memorial University | Enrollment of Higher Qualified University Students up 94% | Using the MVT Process, LMU has increased overall 2010 freshmen enrollment by 19% above 2009. At the same time, they achieved a 94% increase in the number of incoming freshmen with an ACT score of 24 or above. |
Lincoln Memorial University | Featured Speech | LMU had experienced an 83% increase in outright giving, a 19% increase in freshman registration, and a two-point increase in the average ACT score of incoming students. |
Lincoln Memorial University | Improving Student Retention While Increasing the Quality and Quantity of Incoming Freshmen | LMU used the MVT® Process to improve retention of their students. Within two years, the increase in total freshman enrollment necessitated the construction of three new dormitories; LMU’s average incoming ACT score rose by over 2.0; and the number of incoming students with ACT scores of 30 or above improved an astonishing 950%! |
Lincoln Memorial University | Retention Extravaganza: LMU’s Steps to Success! | Factors were identified that enabled the university to recruit more and better students, improve the student experience, and increase overall retention rate. LMU increased its overall fall-to-fall undergraduate retention by 15% and increased its graduation rate by 44%. |
Lincoln Memorial University | The MVT Process Way of Life for Fundraising in Higher Education | Over a three-year period, LMU participated in six MVT projects aimed at increasing their charitable-giving revenues. The net result for LMU was a dramatic increase in fundraising during the past three years. |
Lincoln Memorial University | University Increases Charitable Giving by 52% During Tough Economic Climate | LMU has executed MVT experiments with mass communications and donor visits that have increased monthly outright-giving dollars from Alumni & Friends by 52%. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | An Improvement in Microscopic Defects That is So Large You Can See It | Paper formation on the #4 paper machine was ranked as number 7 out of 7. After MVT the paper formation quality rating became second best for an improvement that customers could see with their naked eye. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Chemical Expense Reduced 38% | Beyond fiber and energy, the chemicals used to develop tissue strength represent the largest expense in tissue manufacturing.The MVT process was used to meet tissue strength requirements while minimizing cost, and reduced chemical expense by 38%. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Energy Costs Cut by 10% | LPT turned to MVT to lower the energy costs needed to operate its lime kiln, an integral part of the kraft pulping process. They lowered their oil usage by 10%. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Featured Speech | After facing a major shutdown, this business is running at full capacity in the worst economy in the industry’s history. LP&T has tested hundreds of ideas in their dozens of MVT projects and has implemented over 100 practical, fast, and cost-free ideas that truly did improve LP&T’s competitive position. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Featured Speech | In just a few months, MVT enabled them to improve their paper quality problem from the worst quality of seven competitors to the second best in the grade segment. This opened a new profitable market. They also reduced costs and chemical consumption and increased the speed at which improvements occur. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | First MVT Project in Waste Treatment Plant Exceeds Goals by 50% | Waste Treatment Plant operators wanted to improve the dryness from the waste solids so it could cross the threshold of actually producing profitable BTUs instead of being a liability. They increased solids 6%, exceeding their needed goal by 50%. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Improving Productivity 20% in Paper Winding | Improved winder acceleration over 200% and overall winder productivity by 20%. Not only is the winder no longer the bottleneck, but total overall quality is at its highest level ever, maintenance issues are down, and many sub-optimizations by the different shifts and machines have been eliminated. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Improving Pulp Mill Brown Stock Washing Efficiency with the MVT Process | Lincoln ran a 27-factor MVT experiment to maximize the conflicting goals of thorough washing of the pulp with a minimum amount of fresh water. Lincoln identified seven key helpful factors that together appear to have the potential to achieve annual steam savings of $365,000 per year. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Improving State of the Art | After innovative work improved the measurement system they focused on productivity. They used the data from this MVT to analyze the energy efficiency impact. A second MVT found ways to reduce energy costs almost 10%. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Increasing Tissue Productivity with the MVT Process | Brought a state-of-the-art tissue manufacturing machine from unsatisfactory performance to truly competitive operations. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Maximizing the Potential of the MVT Process at an Integrated Paper Mill | Lincoln has run dozens of MVT efforts, realizing tremendous value to the organization along with significant changes in the manner by which technical and operational challenges are attacked. Lincoln, by necessity, is a very lean business and the MVT Process was the efficient and effective way to improve faster than the competition. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | New Product Developed in Three Days | A three-day MVT enabled Lincoln to bring a new, fully developed product to market. All machines are now running at full capacity. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Rapid Product Redesign in Two Days | Needed to re-engineer a product in a competitive market environment. A series of two-day MVTs produced the product changes needed at less than half the expected cost increase. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Reducing Chemical Costs While Improving Overall Manufacturing Performance | In order to be competitive in the marketplace they had to control chemical usage. They identified actions that not only stopped the increase in total chemical costs but turned it around and resulted in a cost decrease, for a total improvement of more than 5%. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Reducing Cost 70% for Producing High Strength Product | This team used the MVT Process to reduce the cost for producing that high strength by 70%. The team learned how to better control strength and how to respond to the inevitable variations in incoming pulp characteristics. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | The First MVT of Its Kind | Achieved a big improvement in environmental emissions with improved energy efficiency on a Kraft Recovery Boiler. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Using the MVT Process to Acquire New Customers and Profitably Fill Manufacturing Plant Capacity | More than 50% of Lincoln’s #4 paper machine production and more than 30% of its #8 tissue machine production are directly due to products and processes rapidly developed with the MVT Process. Lincoln is using the MVT Process to increase its customer and product base and secure profitable plant-filling, long-term signed contracts. |
Lincoln Paper & Tissue | Using the MVT Process to Solve a Crisis Right Now! | After completing more than fifty successful, business-critical projects involving over five hundred factors, Lincoln describes QualPro’s MVT® Process as the tool box its people use when confronted with difficult problems and big improvement opportunities. |
Madison Paper | Spool Waste | Spool waste was reduced by 83%, enough paper to print 32 million copies of the New York Times Sunday Magazine. Savings were $3.25 million per year. |
Maplehurst Bakeries | Featured Speaker | Boosted sales and profits for large supermarket chains while creating a revenue increase for Maplehurst from the added sales. |
Meijer, Inc. | Featured Speech | Meijer began using MVT to grow sales and profits. Meijer has completed multiple MVT experiments, tested over sixty improvement ideas, and implemented winning ideas that are contributing tens of millions of dollars of incremental financial benefits. |
Meijer, Inc. | Seventy-Five Successful Years of Retailing, But Still Learning Through MVT | Meijer wanted to increase overall sales and margin in its retail supercenters while developing and emphasizing a fact-based decision making culture. Through MVT testing over the last two years, Meijer has identified and implemented ten new initiatives from 68 viable alternatives and has positively impacted both sales and margin through informed targeted spending. |
Merrimac Paper | Increasing Folder Speed | Increased run speed by 7%, saving $300,000 annually. |
MFNA, Pactiv | Breaking a Few Eggs - The Largest Efficiency Improvement in Plant History | Experiment with recycled paper used to make egg cartons resulted in the largest single efficiency improvement in plant history. |
Mississippi Lime | Mining Throughput Increased 13% | After implementation of the MVT Process, they were able to increase tons per scheduled hour by 13% and tons per man hour by 15%. |
Mohawk Paper Mills | Reduce Scrap | More than two tons per day of production, which had been going to scrap, was improved and resulted in annual savings over $500,000. |
Molycorp (Unocal) | A Successful Case of the Blind Leading the Blind | Several thousand pounds of highly valuable product was being held back each year as unsuitable. Identified and corrected measurement system problems and saved over $1 million per year. |
Monster.com | TeleSales Acquisition MVT Targets 25% Sales Growth | Identified actions to be implemented across its acquisition sales force, results indicated that the three best practices can target an increase in excess of 25% sales growth. |
Morton Adhesives | Increasing Red Dye Production | Production increased 50%, saved $450,000 in planned capital expenditures, and reduced labor and material cost over $150,000. |
Morton International Specialty Products | Measurement System Havoc | Reduced variation, shortened cycle time, eliminated rework, and increased throughput to the tune of $5 million in additional sales. |
Morton International Specialty Products | Process Improvement | A 15% capacity improvement was achieved which was worth $2 million per year in additional sales. An increase of 20% to 25% was projected which would add even more to the bottom line. |
Newspaper Services of America | Featured Speech | Described critical levers in advertising media and shared experience and vision as to how MVT can rapidly achieve breakthroughs in advertising performance. |
NSA Media | Using MVT to Achieve Breakthroughs in Advertising Performance | Described critical levers in advertising media and shared experience and vision as to how MVT can rapidly achieve breakthroughs in advertising performance. |
Oil-Dri Corporation | Box Leakage | Package sealing was improved to 90%, eliminating the leakage problem. Solving this problem avoided an expensive package redesign, saved $1.2 million in capital, and improved cost savings and production time. |
Oil-Dri Corporation | Production Tripled to Satisfy a Customer | Increased output of clay granuals 200% to 300% while improving product quality. |
Olin Chlor Alkali | Reducing Chemical Treatment Costs While Improving Quality and Consistency | Saved $66,000 in soda ash usage before experimentation, improved the quality and consistency of the brine while lowering the cost of treating it. |
Olin Chlor Alkali Charleston | (Non) Explosive Results with Hydrogen, Chlorine, Electricity, and MVT | Needed to increase production of potassium hydroxide to meet customer demand. MVT has identified ways to make a new product that their system was not designed to make all without interrupting current operations and maintaining their history of safe, reliable operations. |
Olin Chlor Alkali McIntosh | Reducing Raw Material Cost and Increasing Run Time Saves Big Dollars | Substantially reduced steam consumption (the second highest raw material cost) and increased run time, which reduced the cost per ton on caustic produced. |
Olin Chlor Alkali Niagara Falls | More Than a Project, MVT is a Way of Doing Business Everyday | Improved the chemical process for big payoffs and knowledge gained translating into a world class operation. The MVT program is delivering millions of dollars to the business. |
Olin Chlor Alkali Niagara Falls | When MVT Competes, We Win! | Described four critical projects that, in addition to being valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars, are helping their management to institutionalize process improvement and MVT. |
Olin Chlor Alkali Augusta | Keep it Clean! Olin uses MVT to Improve Bleach Quality | Dramaticly improved chlorine bleach quality, providing better product consistency while reducing costs and increasing production capacity. |
Olin Chlor Alkali Products | Capacity Increase Improves Annualized Profit by Nearly $800,000 | Production increased allowing a gain in market share adding $800,000 in annualized profit. |
Olin Chlor Alkali Products | Featured Speaker | Introduced and managed a process improvement system in a geographically dispersed organization - with a contrast between his experiences with MVT and six sigma. |
Olin Chlor Alkali Products | Major Saving in Power Utilization | The team has achieved approximately $435 thousand in annualized savings in power usage and expects to get another $200 thousand per year by the end of the first half of 2004. |
Olin Chlor Alkali, Division | More Than a Project, the MVT Process is a Way of Life | Olin Chlor Alkali is institutionalizing the MVT Process across seven plants in the division. After eight years of using the MVT Process, Olin has completed dozens of MVT projects that have yielded tens of millions of dollars in successes. Olin has excelled in refining a process to identify, prioritize, allocate resources, measure, and maintain benefits from their MVT efforts. |
Olin Chlor Alkali, McIntosh | $1.5 Million Payoff for “Squeeze and Scoot” MVT Effort | They used the MVT Process to reduce shipping costs. By reducing variation in the strength of the caustic they produced, they were able to use fewer rail cars to achieve the same shipping weight, saving over $1.5 million per year in transportation costs. |
Pacific Bell | Caller ID | Changes from complete blocking to selective blocking increased 85%. The resulting Caller ID sales improvement was 300%. Company estimated the value of this improvement at several million dollars annually. |
Pacific Bell | Change for the Better and Have Customers Agree | Changing voicemail systems finds best communication elements while saving over $1 million in marketing costs while retaining customers. |
Pacific Bell | High Capacity Circuit Revenues Saved | A 19% reduction in late installation of high capacity circuits that could lead to an increase in revenue of $11.95 million annually. |
Pactiv Corporation | Featured Speaker | The organization is driving costs down and elevating sales through no-cost actions identified in the MVT process. |
Pactiv Corporation | Set-up Time and Waste Reductions Worth Millions | Identified actions to improve set-up time and reduce waste with the potential to deliver millions to the bottom line when applied to all plants. |
Pactiv Corporation | Tens of Millions of Dollars in Increased Technical Sales | Individual helpful actions increased sales by over 13%, while other actions increased sales by almost two new accounts per salesperson per month. |
Pactiv, PPNA | Protective Packaging Scrap Reduced by up to 60% | Increased uptime as much as 15%, increased throughput as much as 12%, and reduced scrap by as much as 60%. The cost savings and additional revenues from the two plants were worth over $1.3 million. |
Patrick Henry College | Recruiting the Best and Brightest and Increasing Alumni Giving | MVT has been used to increase inquiries, deposits and students who enroll in Patrick Henry College. |
Phillips 66 | Optimizing Advertising Media Mix in Record Time | Executed the project nationwide with half of their seven thousand independently owned and controlled retail locations in less than three weeks. Saved $1 million, and spent money on the right things for a 100 X ROI. |
Pilot Flying J | Featured Speech | MVT efforts substantially increased inside store sales and gross margin dollars during recenssionary times and reduced advertising investments by one third without decreasing revenues. MVT insights helped optimize a major initiative to "reset" critical portions of the retail merchandise assortment and layout. |
Pilot Flying J | Featured Speech | Pilot launched an innovative MVT program that has tested ten to fifteen new ideas every two to three months. In just the first year of the program, Pilot tested over fifty ideas intended to improve inside sales and implemented a series of actions that have been proven to deliver millions of dollars in increased sales and profits. |
Pilot Flying J | Gross Profit Up $3.3 Million in Seven Months | Pilot wanted to increase profitability by driving sales on items that were more profitable than average. Over the course of seven months they were able to drive their margins up over 2.5%. The average check went up three cents, and profit per check increased by six cents! The revenue mix shift in these categories went up 0.8% on average. This activity will result in annualized Gross Profit gains of over $7 million. |
Pilot Flying J | MVT–Applications in the Convenience Store Industry–6.5% Positive Impact on Inside Sales While Industry Declined | Four MVTs identified twelve helpful factors that had a 6.5% positive impact on overall inside store sales as the industry experienced a 5–10% sales decline. By identifying helpful and harmful test factors, Pilot was able to simplify the marketing message, make it more impactful, and streamline overall marketing costs. |
Pilot Flying J | Restaurant Sales Increase Over 3% in a Down Year for the Industry | They used the MVT Process in four nationally branded concepts to test twelve factors, ultimately implementing five initiatives that produced a 3% to 4% growth in like/like sales with reduced marketing costs. |
Pilot Flying J | Retailer Uses the MVT Process to Assess Digital Media | The QualPro MVT process plays an important role in assessing the digital media messaging impact. Digital media has allowed us to deliver messages that facilitate a fast and easy customer experience while delivering superior financial results at Pilot Flying J. |
Pilot Flying J | Truck Fleet Improves Fuel Efficiency with Ideas Implemented at Zero Cost | Pilot Flying J was looking for ways to increase fuel efficiency by 0.2 to 0.3 miles per gallon. Since fuel consumption is the primary or secondary cost for any trucking fleet, improving mpg performance is essential to businesses that are shipping products. |
Pregis | Triple the Production Rate with Lower Raw Material Cost, Decreased Scrap, and Zero Capital Dollars | A major customer wanted more product than was currently available. After just a few weeks, MVT identified several improvement actions, including a way to totally eliminate a bottleneck step in the process. They tripled their production rate, while lowering raw material cost, decreasing scrap, and expending zero capital dollars. |
Progressive Insurance | Agent Sales | Sales of company policies increased 1.294 policies per week, potentially worth over $750 million in annual sales. |
Progressive Insurance | Attorney Representation | Attorney representation rate fell from 36% to 28%, which was worth over $25 million per year in savings. |
Progressive Insurance | Customer Retention for $8 Million in Profits and $200 Million in Sales | Improved customer retention resulted in $8 million in profits and $200 million in sales. |
Progressive Insurance | Direct Mail Response Rates Up 15% | Increased direct mail response rates almost 15%. |
Progressive Insurance | Featured Speaker | The various channels of retaining policy holders, reducing insurance claim fraud, increasing direct mail effectiveness, and optimizing advertising expenditures were worth hundreds of millions of dollars. |
Progressive Insurance | Optimization of Advertising Media Mix | Identified the most effective use of TV, radio, billboard, and direct mail dollars. Resolved long-standing discussions and differing views. |
Progressive Insurance | Targeted Marketing Mail Effectiveness Improved 25% | Reduced mail volume by 25% while maintaining virtually the same number of sales. |
Quick Chek | Featured Speech | How the Quick Chek team identifies practical, fast, cost-free improvement ideas and manages MVT projects without disrupting their operations. They achieved a 5% comp sales impact following implementation of helpful ideas across all stores. |
Qwest Communications | Decrease the Time for Installing New Service | Needed to reduce cycle time for installing new service for a large family of products. Upon starting the MVT the historical average immediately dropped 17%, once all helpful factors are implemented and hurtful are stopped the improvement should total 40%. |
Qwest Communications | Deploying MVT Successfully Across a Large Organization | Strategy and day-to-day execution has produced a broad and successful MVT deployment. |
Qwest Communications | More with Less | Qwest wanted to know what supervisor tasks could be eliminated without reducing Quality Jobs per Day (QJD). The MVT tested seventeen supervisor tasks and found that over half could be eliminated. Results? Not only did QJD not fall – QJD went up 10%. |
Qwest Communications | Two MVTs are Faster than One | This installation process had an average cycle time of eighty days. Using a creative approach to the problem, two MVTs tested eighteen ideas, and the implementation of five helpful ideas improved that cycle time by 35%. |
Rent-A-Center | Using the MVT Process to Eliminate Wasteful Spending and Move the Real Customer Levers | Used QualPro’s MVT Process to optimize advertising media mix and improve sales and profits, worth $116 million. |
Riverwood International | Dramatic Improvements in Complaints, Scrap, Cost, and Production Rates with No Capital | Dramatic, simultaneous improvements in complaints, scrap, cost, and productivity rates were accomplished with no capital investment. |
RR Donnelley & Sons | Flavor of the Month | Over $1.5 million in savings were identified in an existing process. |
RR Donnelley & Sons | New Tools Cut Paper Costs | Savings of $1.4 million per year were achieved in a process which had been operating for decades. |
RR Donnelley & Sons | Reducing Downtime | Press downtime was reduced by 58%, saving $500,000 annually. Bonus benefits consisted of increased revenue from extra press time, improved customer satisfaction, higher on-time delivery, higher quality, and increased employee job satisfaction. |
RR Donnelley & Sons - UK | Bindery Efficiency | Bindery run time was increased nearly 25%, worth $1.25 million per year. |
Sage Automotive Interiors | Fan the Flame with the MVT Process | Sage successfully executed an MVT project that converted a product initially struggling to meet strength specifications to one that has even surpassed the ASTM standard’s ability to gauge bond strength. Moreover, Sage increased throughput by 11% while maintaining this high bond strength. |
Sage Automotive Interiors | Shog and Motley and the MVT Process | Shog and motley are a stubborn quality issue with knitted fabrics. MVT identified efforts that had been focused on parameters that were not quality critical, increasing throughput first quality from 50%t to 98%. |
Saks | Seeking to Increase "Comp" Sales and Profitability Through the Use of MVT | Increased comp sales and bottom-line profit. Each percentage point increase in comp sales translated into several million dollars of bottom-line profit. |
Saks Fifth Avenue | Featured Speaker | The strategic value of MVT in the retail environment and the critical management tactics that ensure maximum organizational benefits and help achieve nearly immediate ROI. |
Saks Fifth Avenue | Off 5th Increases Sales by 4.3% During MVT | During the test, the 24 stores participating out-performed the other stores by 4.3%, generating approximately $1 million in additional sales. |
Saks, Inc. | Improving Sales and Changing a Corporate Culture | MVT has changed the planning process dramatically; testing has become an integral part of running the business. |
Sauder Woodworking | Lamination Defects Cut in Half | Lamination defects were costing $4 million per year in wasted materials. Defects were reduced 50%. Defects were further reduced with more experimentation for a cost savings of over $1.5 million. |
SBC Ameritech | Customer Care Center Repeat Calls and Unnecessary Transfers | Reduced nuisance calls by over 15% that could result in more than $30 million in savings. |
SBC Ameritech | Featured Speaker | Cut installation and repair backlogs in half and dramatically shortened customer response times, greatly enhancing customer service and satisfaction. Helped avoid millions of dollars in labor costs. |
SBC Ameritech | Productivity Increase for Telephone Technicians | Improved technician (GJI8) performance for a potential increase of 0.25 jobs per day. |
SBC Ameritech | Repair and Installation Backlog Reduced 50% | Customer response times were slashed avoiding millions of dollars in labor costs. |
SBC Communications | Billings | In just eight weeks, no-cost actions were identified and implemented which eliminated late billings. 0% late resulted in direct cost savings exceeding $2 million and a dramatic reduction in unhappy customers. |
SBC Communications | Faster Installation of DSL High-Speed Internet Access | Order Flowthrough improved from below 50% to over 95% (i.e., order flows through without manual intervention). |
SBC Communications | Reduction in Telephone Installation Lead Time | Reduced the time interval from a residential customer call to the successful completion of the installation. |
SBC Communications | Use of MVT Throughout Critical Business Operations Brings Close to a Billion Dollars in Results | Improved customer service, billings, installations and repairs, data center operations, inventory management, and sales for close to a billion dollars in results. |
Sentara | Reducing Infections Through Improved Hand Hygiene Compliance by Using The MVT Process | The results of the MVT project include dramatic improvements in hand hygiene measurement capability, hand hygiene compliance, and hospital-acquired infection rates. |
SkillSearch | Increased Response Rate for Direct Mail Packages | The response rate rose by 39%. Changing the mailing procedures saved the company $2 million per year. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | $15 Million Sales Story | Increased sales by $11 million plus reduced expenses by $4 million. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | Bill Redesign | Designed a bill that was more appealing, easier to understand, and did not cost any more to produce. The customer satisfaction rating increased by 25%. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | MVT Triples Re-utilization of Capital Resources Valued at $16 Million per Year | MVT found ways to recover more plant without using additional resources. Plant recovered was tripled for a value of $16 million per year. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | Necessary Work After MVT | Reduced failures by 20%, removing a big risk to this $1 billion revenue stream. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | PAC Contributions | Doubled participation in the PAC contribution process and increased contributions by 238%. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | Persistence Increases Sales | Overall improvement in annual sales was estimated at $3 million. This was accomplished with no additional staff while maintaining the same levels of customer satisfaction and center accessibility. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | Productivity Increases by Service Center | Increase in service center productivity resulted in a reduction of fines and reduced labor costs potentially valued at $1.5 to $2.1 million annually. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | QDD | On-time installations went from 84% to 98%, increasing customer satisfaction and retention. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | Right the First Time | Some pre-planning by repair personnel, prior to customer visits, dramatically improved customer satisfaction and saved over $1.5 million per year by reducing repeat visits. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company | Teams + Customers = Win-Win-Win | MVT identified factors which reduced the critical interval from 32 days to 23 days. Not only were late charges avoided, projected corporate revenues increased over $1 million per year. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - Alladin | 167% of Quota in Business-to-Business Sales | The worst performing district achieved a 300%+ increase in sales while the best performing district jumped over 50%. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - Houston | Excellence Through Service Guarantee | Missed appointments were reduced by 17.7% with an estimated value of $2.1 million. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - Houston | Sales Improvement | Sales were increased 12.4% with a predicted value of $1.9 million. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - Oklahoma | Plug Ins | Decreased total inventory value by 10%, a $2.3 million reduction in working capital. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - Pacific Bell | Coding Errors | Service order coding accuracy improved over 180%. Number of customer claims were reduced 89% and refunds were reduced 36%. The estimated worth was $4.7 million. |
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company - St. Louis | Employee Referrals | Increased the number of referrals by over 40%, which resulted in increased revenues of $3.6 million. |
Staples | Improved Circular Improves Retail Sales and Margin | Creating the most effective circular resulted in improved sales (up to 3%) and increased profits (up to 5%). |
Superior Essex | Featured Speech | How senior leadership of an organization can use the MVT process to harness the power and creativity of their workforce, focusing organizational energy on actions that increase profits, enhance customer satisfaction, and improve competitive position. |
TELUS | Reduction in Service Order Errors | Realized an immediate 35% reduction in service order errors, worth $365,000 in annual savings, not counting the improved customer satisfaction. |
The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. (Carson Pirie Scott) | Special Executive Topic: Improving Retail Sales and Profits with MVT | Explained how the benefits of testing lots of ideas across many functions and how organization-wide involvement can be very helpful to maximizing sales, margins, and shareholder value. |
The Cason Group | Increasing Sales and Profits through Staff Activities in Service Industries | Identified activities that would generate a 15% increase in proposal requests and a 10% decrease in turnaround time for their clients. |
Tronox LLC | Productivity Increases Provide Over $11 Million of Additional Revenue | The objective of the Tronox Pigment project was to increase the rate for base TiO2, a key component used to make paint. Once the MVT ideas were implemented, changes increased rates almost 5%, worth over $11 million in revenue per year. |
Truman Medical Centers | Featured Speech | “There is no formula for creativity.” This speech emphasized the importance of using an improvement process that provides a role for human creativity as well as analytics. |
Truman Medical Centers | Improvement in Throughput at Hospital Outpatient Clinics | Lengthy throughput times are often noted as unacceptable by patients and can result in decreased satisfaction for patients as well as Truman staff. Truman has achieved significant improvement in outpatient throughput times. |
Truman Medical Centers | Reduction in Outpatient Clinics’ No Show Rate | High no show rates have the potential to impact Truman’s productivity as well as the effective care for its patients. They achieved a 15% reduction in no show rates. |
Truman Medical Centers | Reversing a Declining Collections Rate Trend | Increasing the collection rate at Truman Medical Centers, Inc. is a critical objective that can provide increased cash for this safety net hospital. Truman has already arrested a trend that has been declining over years. |
TV Guide | What Makes You Buy a Magazine | Increased sales by millions of dollars. |
Unifi, Inc. | Closing the Sale is About More Than Price—$750,000 in Sales Before the MVT Was Complete | Using MVT to test a number of ideas to improve its sales process, Unifi identified actions to improve its selling effectiveness. Even though price was unquestionably important in this very competitive yarn market, Unifi found other factors that could also have a significant impact in the customer decision. Best of all, Unifi closed over $750,000 in targeted sales during the MVT. |
Unifi, Inc. | Developing an Environmentally Conscious Product Rapidly with the MVT Process | Unifi used QualPro’s Procedure for Developing a New Process to rapidly and efficiently take Repreve to reliable high-quality mass production at low costs. Introducing a new product and quickly reaching a sold-out condition while producing at higher-than-design rates is game-changing. |
Unifi, Inc. | Doubling Capacity and Reducing Energy Usage with the MVT Process | Through the use of QualPro’s MVT® Process, doubled production capacity and simultaneously dramatically reduced the electrical utility bill without expending a penny in new capital. Challenged decades of conventional wisdom, uncovered profound knowledge, and recognized significant financial gains. |
Unifi, Inc. | Featured Speech | Unifi has used MVT to achieve successes that include large reductions in costly texturizing breaks, substantial increases in first-quality yield in yarn production, and dramatic improvement in sales force effectiveness at competing with foreign competition. During a time when textile industry has mostly moved offshore, Unifi is committed to thriving in the US. |
Unifi, Inc. | It's a Small World After All When Spinning Yarn – Small Filaments Reduced 70% | Using the MVT process to test factors including process settings, personnel behavior, and supplier material characteristics, Unifi identified actions expected to reduce small filaments by 70%. |
Unifi, Inc. | Maintaining the Gain | MVT project reduced expensive textile yarn breaks by over 40%. |
Unifi, Inc. | Polyester’s Dirty Little Secret | For years, Unifi has used a costly and time-consuming prescour in an attempt to wash away trimer and avoid its ill effects. MVT experimentation is not only allowing Unifi to determine factors that reduce trimer, but may also totally eliminate the need for a prescour. |
Unifi, Inc. | Reducing Quality Problems by 40% with the MVT Process | Unifi was able to reduce by 40% the amount of substandard nylon downgraded. This led to a $700,000 cost improvement without any need for new capital. |
Unifi, Inc. | Tackling the Right Things by Using the MVT Process | Employed the MVT Process to determine the key repair components and how to cost effectively repair the infant positions so that they perform up to standard. As a result, the plant knows when their precious maintenance dollars are spent, they get results. |
Unifi, Inc. | The MVT Process Is the Splice of Life | Splices may break during transfer, causing downtime, lost productivity, and sometimes packages that are too small to be considered first quality. Strengthening the splices in order to minimize transfer breaks resulted in a $500,000 per year opportunity. |
Unifi, Inc. | Unifi Uses the MVT Process to Tackle “Special Causes” | The average number of hours the process ran before another repeat break was improved over 250%. |
Unifi, Inc. | When State of the Art Is Not Good Enough | Unifi was able to characterize and understand the influence of all machine parameters on key quality characteristics. The MVT Process has fast forwarded Unifi’s technical knowledge base and set them up to take this process nowhere but up. |
Unifi, Inc. | World Class Manufacturing Process Achieves 30% Improvement | Unifi used MVT to reduce polyester yarn breaks that occurred during the texturing process. MVT findings allowed Unifi to take its polyester texturing operation to another level . . . a 30% reduction in breaks per machine hour! |
United Health Group—Ovations | Deploying MVT to Improve Health and Reduce Hospitalizations | Improved member health through enhanced clinical model interventions that reduced hospitalizations while maintaining/improving costs and quality indicators. Hospitalizations reduced by 20%, an innovative approach to improving healthcare delivery. |
UnitedHealth Group–Ovations | Deploying MVT to Improve Health and Reduce Hospitalizations | The goal of this project was to identify the telephonically delivered interventions that would reduce unnecessary and/or avoidable interventions while improving overall costs and quality. Results were a 20% decrease in utilization. |
Unocal 76, Santa Maria Refinery | Removing Butane from Gasoline to Meet EPA Deadline | Vapor pressure reduction allowed butane to be removed from the product and improve capacity. Bottom line savings were $600,000 annually. |
Unocal 76, SF Refinery | Meet Regulatory Requirements While Maximizing Profits | Methods were found to know and hold constant the risk of producing any off-grade product while meeting all EPA and CARD regulations. |
Valspar | Production Line Changeover Time Reduced 18% to 68% | Identified actions to reduce down-time associated with product changes by 18% to 68% which lead not only to an increase in capacity, but also a substantial reduction in inventory. |
Visa | Increasing Customer Loyalty Through Managing Customer Communications | Increased cardholder spending for small businesses enrolled in the Visa Extras loyalty program by 21%. |
Visa | Special Executive Topic: Increasing Banking Sales and Profits with MVT | How MVT helped Visa member banks increase sales and profits of their card portfolios. |
W.W. Grainger | Featured Speech | Using MVT to optimize the market expansion program strategy by 1) increasing the effectiveness of program elements, 2) avoiding wasted investment in ineffective tactics, and 3) reallocating resources from low-yield activities to ones with a high return on investment, expected to contribute growth in excess of $1 billion over the next 10 years. |
Wausau-Mosinee Paper | Going for Broke Saves $1.23 Million in Waste | "Broke" reduced by 30% which resulted in savings of $1.23 million annually. |
WellPoint | Featured Speech | 24% improvement in enrollment and engagement in affiliated health plans, to manage more chronically ill members, which yields enhanced quality of life and reduced medical claims costs for members. |
WellPoint/Anthem Care Management | The Fast Track to Improving Member Engagement | They had a record-breaking enrollment rate in the first five weeks. Enrollment and engagement rates during the Screening MVT process indicate WellPoint will achieve the overall goal of 10% improvement. |
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. | Brand Multi-Channel Sales Improved with Catalog Creative Testing | Restored sales growth in the catalog by 10%, worth $8 million per year while driving more incremental business to the internet and retail chains. |
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. | Featured Speaker | Discussed the role of MVT as a tool for corporate turnarounds, as well as continuous improvement. |
Williams-Sonoma, Inc. | Retail Catalog and Care Center Effectiveness Improved | Identified modifications in catalog cover and content, as well as increase consumer response and sales through care center and internet channels. |
Witco | Capacity Increase | No-cost actions were implemented which increased plant capacity over 25% and improved profitability $3.2 million. |
Witco, Mapleton | Reliability and On-Time Delivery | Reduced cycle time by 10% and decreased late deliveries by 75%. Satisfied customers increased sales by $3.3 million. |
Witco, Sistersville | Mystery Scum Banished | Scum was eliminated completely which was worth $833,000 per year. |
Zep Manufacturing | Targets $30 Million in Sales Revenues | Improvement in sales results for an entire line of products is expected to be worth $30 million in increased revenue. |