What Our Clients Are Saying

Financial Services

“So we would tell you we would be really excited with a 50% lift, and that we’d walk away very, very happy, and QualPro is wonderful, and all that kind of stuff, but what we actually ended up with was a 300% lift, which blew us away.”
American Express, Anthony Hayes
“There is almost no end to the things we can test. . .and in a very short period of time get some answers. . .The payoff was huge. . .[The] things that we found had opportunities in the hundreds of millions of dollars.”
Progressive, David Skove, General Manager, Agent Sales
“We’ve saved a tremendous amount of money by not doing certain things anymore. We’ve developed different communication strategies for the different segments. I just can’t say enough good things about MVT.”
Visa, Laurie Dornberger, Senior Director