Bring QualPro’s Expert Training Directly to Your Workplace

Our onsite training courses allow you to tailor QualPro’s experience to the specific needs of your company and expose more people and departments to QualPro’s methodology. Onsite seminars bring our experts’ knowledge of statistical quality improvement methods directly to your company’s plant, mill, or office.

Our Process Is Simple

First, choose a topic from QualPro’s course catalog that fits your business needs. We offer a variety of courses ranging from industry-specific basic statistical quality improvement seminars to advanced and expert-level experimental design seminars. We will customize our training material to fit your organization’s needs. Next, decide when and where your onsite seminar will take place. Our consultants will travel to you on the dates you select. Finally, let our experienced consultants help you identify innovative ideas for improvement. We will assist you in preparing experiments to test these ideas in a real-world environment. From your experiments, you will determine which ideas have the greatest impact on performance. Our MVT® Process will enable you to generate fast, breakthrough results without increased expenditures.

Onsite Seminar Benefits

  • Customized to your organization’s core competencies
  • Convenient for your workforce
  • Focuses on the material most relevant to your organization
  • Uses specific data and examples from your business
  • Exposes more people and departments to QualPro’s methodology

Click below to view our complete course catalog.

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Customized Virtual Training Tailored to Your Processes

Our customized virtual seminars allow you to tailor QualPro’s training to the specific needs of your company and expose more people and departments to QualPro’s methodology.

Virtual Seminar Scheduling Process

First, choose a topic from QualPro’s course catalog that fits your business needs. We offer a variety of courses ranging from industry-specific basic statistical quality improvement seminars to advanced and expert-level experimental design seminars. We will customize our training material to fit your organization’s needs. Next, decide when your virtual seminar will take place. Our consultants will teach your customized seminar on the dates you select. Finally, let our experienced consultants help you identify innovative ideas for improvement. We will assist you in preparing experiments to test these ideas in a real-world environment. From your experiments, you will determine which ideas have the greatest impact on performance. Our MVT® Process will enable you to generate fast, breakthrough results without increased expenditures.

Virtual Seminar Benefits

  • Customized to your organization’s core competencies
  • Convenient for your workforce
  • Focuses on the material most relevant to your organization
  • Uses specific data and examples from your business
  • Exposes more people and departments to QualPro’s methodology
  • Allows individuals from different locations to receive training simultaneously
  • Eliminates travel-related expenses

Click below to view our complete course catalog.

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QualPro's Expert Instructors

QualPro’s senior instructors have worked with QualPro since the mid 1980s and were personally acquainted with Dr. W. Edwards Deming.

QualPro’s instructors are experienced consultants, averaging over twenty years of actual field experience in helping companies design and execute experiments. Their collective consulting experience spans a wide variety of industries including: apparel and consumer packaged goods retailers; convenience stores; chemical, paper, and automotive manufacturers; academic institutions; nonprofits; and healthcare organizations.

Instructor Highlights

QualPro’s instructors have delivered billions in bottom-line impact for Fortune 500, Chemical 300, and Neilson Top 100 Convenience Store clients.

QualPro’s instructors know your processes. Our instructors average over twenty-five years of industry experience before joining QualPro. Their backgrounds include previous employment experience in corporate quality management, manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, research and development, and marketing and global supply chain management.

QualPro’s instructors come from collegiate backgrounds in economics, mathematics, statistics, and engineering. Several also hold Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification.

QualPro’s instructors understand the practical applications of the concepts they teach, and they clearly communicate these concepts to all levels of understanding. QualPro’s instructors maintain an average seminar-participant satisfaction rating of 9.2/10.

Many publications have featured QualPro’s instructors, including Forbes, Fortune, the Wall Street Journal, The Economist, the New York Times, Industry Week, Convenience Store News, American Medical News, the Chronicle of Higher Education, and the Chronicle of Philanthropy.

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