What Our Clients Are Saying


“What I have found is that MVT works…time after time…for company after company.”
Superior Essex, Stephen Carter, CEO
“We brought QualPro in, and in less than 6 months, zero capital dollars, zero cost dollars expended, [we gained] $23 million in terms of additional capacity and increased sales in a sold out business.”
DuPont, Ron Lee, Global Director
“[We] have run 370 MVTs across 55 plants over the last 20 years. I get asked many times,  ‘How many were successful?’ I say, “All of them.’ “
Exide Technologies, Larry White, Director of Continuous Improvement
“Because the [MVT] process is extremely versatile, it works equally well on batch or continuous processes. Its use can range from a single operator or laboratory technician doing a small MVT to [an] MVT that involves several different plants…The technique scales beautifully.”
CF Industries, Dave Pruett, Vice President