We’re Experienced
Since 1982, QualPro has used our MVT® Process to help organizations achieve major performance improvements. We have successfully executed over 17,000 MVT projects in almost every major industry. Our consultants have an unmatched level of experience in using designed experiments to achieve breakthrough improvement. Additionally, QualPro provides a level of technical expertise and real-world experience that ensures our clients’ MVT projects are conducted successfully.
We’re Different
QualPro consistently delivers improvement results of a higher quality than the results of our competitors. Our turnaround is a fraction of the time required by our competitors’ approaches. QualPro produces breakthrough improvement in months—not years.
QualPro’s MVT Process enables clients to use designed experiments to test numerous—usually twenty or more—improvement ideas simultaneously in a fast, cost-free manner. Why is this important? Because only 25 percent of improvement ideas turn out to be helpful ideas. If we test four ideas, we expect one idea to prove helpful. If we test twenty ideas, we expect five ideas to prove helpful. Consequently, to produce breakthrough improvement, the experiments must be designed to test a large number of ideas. Our competitors lack the process, technical expertise, and real-world experience needed to execute experiments that quickly test ideas on a large scale.